
Next: April to September Wrap

Review the intention: what do we expect to learn or make together?

For the tl/dr version of six months, peep this PAR, or Project Action Review[1]. Special thanks to Vitor for his assistance with this one.

To produce some meaningful learning products (article, course, software, etc).

Establish what is happening: what and how are we learning?

We’ve been reading, reviewing the texts, doing side projects, developing educational techniques.

What are some different perspectives on what’s happening?

It has not been a linear path of progress over the last six months, but we have definitely progressed!

What did we learn or change?

We've learned to manage expectations, lean on the friends we never met face to face, and to survive during the COVID-19 crisis.

What else should we change going forward?

Think in a sustainable way to make the group self-sufficient by creating sellable products (book, article, courses) so that the group can have more than one website and raise our visibility.